We’ve tried a lot of photo memes over the years, but none of them seem to stick. There are some ideas for next year floating around (if you have any, let us know!) but we thought to close out 2016 we’d share some of our favorite photos we took, and why they’re our favorites. A photo a day for ten days, as we countdown to 2017.
Feel free to share your own photos in the comments.
Day One | Day Two | Day Three | Day Four | Day Five
Day Six
That’s my nephew, just being the cutest. I love his snotty little face. Every time I can capture this expression (I call it his demon face) it is instantly one of my favorite photos. This was at his second birthday party. He was standing in front of the bubble machine popping the bubbles with his mouth and cackling like an evil genius.
In September I got to go up in a helicopter and fly over my entire island. It was incredible. My first time in a helicopter and I learned something new about myself – I get really sick in helicopters! Like fill-up-3-barf-bags sick. But I was ok for the first 20 minutes or so, and during that time I got some great photographs. This one is my favorite because it’s my neighborhood. That pier is right across the street from my house.
This was taken at this year’s Dia De Los Muertos festival at our city. I feel like this shot sums up everything I love about the day. You can read more about my feeling here.